Thursday, July 29, 2010

after the green.

sadly. the green was not awesome. i didn't feel good any of the days.

monday - was terrible. i had stomach ish all day long. now i have to say this is directly related to my weekend over-indulgence and i cannot blame the greens. but none-the-less monday was a bad day. my internals felt torn up. my energy was low. i was not in a good mood and i sorely missed coffee.

tuesday - was not so hot. i was doing okay to begin with still missing coffee. i had no idea exactly how tired i would feel without it. i don't get headaches so i thought i would be fine. NOT TRUE. it hurts me deep to the bone to not have that sweet substance to lighten my morning drudgery. half-way though the day my stomach started to act up - J-Ho hypothesizes that it might be spinach some people have a bad reaction to the oxalic acid ... might be that ... might be wheatgrass... all i know is that it was again - not awesome.

wednesday - was better than before. my mood was better. stomach better for most the day - but then it took a turn again. and this effects a lot - because when i feel off and my tummy is rumbly it is super-mega-ultra-hard to do focused GOOD work at the gym. and i also felt weak. and i the lack of coffee was still working its anti magic.

thoughts. i am going to keep on keeping on with no coffee till monday. if i have made it this far can't i make it a little further?

greens did not make me feel like a superhero.

but maybe they helped my liver??

which brings me to another question - is an occasional glass of wine okay (during this challenge)? or not? for my livers sake? ??


Sunday, July 25, 2010


I can eat more than I thought!!!! I really thought J-Ho was asking for JUST leafy greens. I was WRONG. SO excited.

So rules:

Coconut oil - 3T/day
Coconut flakes and flour - thumbs up

Hemp protein - A-OK

Coconut milk - NO NO NO

Greens, Broccoli, Asparagus, Cucumber - all okay!


It starts tomorrow. I just bought baby spinach at Trader Joes and earlier I went with Colleen (thank you) to the Ballard Farmers Market and got some GREENS.

Tonight I prep by cooking.

I am indulging in one treat today.

Check it:

Thursday, July 22, 2010

still stealing the web

okay. again my post must be brief lest I lose those two bars stolen from a kindly interweb paying neighbor.


pr'd on pull-ups today.

yellow band - 6 pull ups. SWEET. I think I might have been able to do more... I was just so AMAZED my fingers uncurled. Seriously.

in other news.

GREENS. Eat them.

I realized I wasn't, not really. I like them though. Cooked. Mulched in a shake. Sauteed. Raw sucks. Which is why I don't really think about them. They require extra prep.

BUT for the last four days I have made them a part of my life. I have cooked up Kale, Spinach, and Chard - yum. Also, I realized that I need to eat more protien - I up'ed my meat and I feel GREAT.

More news on GREENS.

J-Ho and I are going to go all GREEN. Belive it.

THREE DAYS of only GREEN CONSUMPTION. WHAT?! I KNOW. I thought so too. It does suck. But, worth a whirl - I think so. He convinced me by saying that CALORIE for CALORIE beef and spinach have the same amount of protein - NOW that is a CRAZY town amount of spinach - but - I can try it FOR THREE DAYS! Bleg! kill me now. That will be creative times squared - fo' shiggidy.

oh. and we can have coconut... but only really to make things tolerable with flavor...


Friday, July 16, 2010

fleeting internet connection

oh. i have been wanting to post.

but in "new place" i don't yet have internet. so mostly i will post from the "not starbucks" starbucks and smith.


I wanted to shout out (as they do) to WHITNEY! She has been amazing at support. Not "keeping me motivated" because that part doesn't die for me. But, Whit, has been there to push, support, and acknowledge change - like nobodies biz.


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day 41.

Okay. It has been a hard week. New job. Unpacking. New routines. Etc. This week was full of a lot of learning at work. And a lot of non-focus at the gym. This makes me feel weak. And lame. And scared.

I want to reach my goal. I want to reach my goal.

I am afraid I won't. This was a week of feeling that fear.

I have push-ups. I climbed the rope (once) - it was cool.

I do not have a pull-up.
I do not have a dip.

I struggle with the minutia in food. I want so badly to "just lean out". But. For me. It is esp. hard. Some people are hard gainers - which is tough when they want to bulk up and be kings (or queens) of muscle. For me it is tricky to lean out. I have been doing pretty strict Paleo - I am not perfect. And I haven't been perfect with this - I have had heavy cream in my coffee. I have had a drink or two. I went crazy on fruit.

This month I have been really good with sticking to the NO FRUIT. I have looked at some raw bars. And today purchased some 85% dark chocolate (though I have had it yet).

So my bad. Isn't, like, BAD. But - it isn't perfect. Which in general I am okay with... because - I can't be perfect for a lifetime.

The couple things I DO NOT CHEAT ON are: Milk, Cheese, Processed foods, and Gluten. Hellz to the no.

SO - I am happy about that.

And I think in time. This is really going to be RAD for me.

My concern is the time-frame of this challenge.

I have no doubt in my mind that I am going to accomplish my goals. And lead the kind of lifestyle I want to lead - I am baby and big steppin' the way there - and with the way that I feel better and more energetic - there is no real "going back". There may be slips and falls, but in general I am dedicated. And I know I will get to where I want to go - it is just... will I get there by the end of this challenge?

I don't know.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

back from camping

so I am back.
I am sore.
I am blistered.

I had A LOT of fun.

We hiked 11 mi on the first day, stayed put the 2nd, and did 7 mi on the last day. Got home around 10:30 last night.

My new apartment is rad, but full of my unpacked stuff. I need to go grocery shopping. I am starting new job in 50 min.

So much to straighten.

Friday, July 2, 2010

tightening. dialing. narrowing.

what what... it is day... 32 of the challenge. and 4th of july weekend.

New job starts July 6th.

I have spent the last few days moving from the Mansion to the Hill. Now everything is in boxes and bags. Super fun times.

On the 6th. After hiking - where I will have less control of being super squeaky clean paleo. I am going to modify my diet. I referred to it early. But the more I think about it the more dedicated I am.


  • NO FRUIT. Except Blueberries - because they are DELICIOUS and in season. AND DELICIOUS.
  • LESS COFFEE. I love it. LOVE it. I feel a tear coming to my eye, but I think I will try for 4 shots max per day - and a couple days ... ... ... off ... :(
  • NUTS. I have been indulging. Sigh. And I still might. But, under 15/day. And not every day - maybe 3 days... I don't know... I need to cut... but I don't want to be too overzealous about all of this...

So. I leave it there for now. Will let you know how all that goes.