Tuesday, June 15, 2010


so. there are a lot of things that make me cranky. let's make a list:

  1. Being Weak
  2. Not knowing everything
  3. Not being good at something
  4. Not feeling 100%
  5. Not feeling connected to my body
  6. Not performing my best
  7. Not making gains
  8. Feeling weak (different than being weak)
  9. Doing awkward things
  10. Having mental hang-ups
  11. STILL having mental hang-ups
  12. Not going as hard as I know I can b/c of aforementioned feeling of awkwardness and non-connectivity
um. i could go on. but, i think you get the gist.

the last 2 days i have been CRANKY at the gym due to a combination of all of the above.

and i say to myself. GET OVER IT. but, i whine (unattractively) it is hard...

and yeah. it is.

especially the mental block thing. today we were doing burpees with a lateral jump over a paralette and i abhor lateral jumps. i loathe box jumps. jumps in general are a challenge. it is this lame mental hang up thing. as with a lot of things in CrossFit - somewhere my brain is telling my body not to perform.

and I am all: body, don't listen just do!
and it is all: screw you Annette - i do what i want.

which sucks. it is like GREAT how many mental blocks can we find.
and i think to myself - no big. i will just do this movement everyday until I am comfortable with it. but there are like A MILLION movements like that...

and when these thoughts start to roll in my brain along with not feeling completely connected to my body - and feeling the effects of not awesome digestion... the world starts to look dismal... hence the CRANKY.

get. over. your. self.

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